FNT file format - fonts from Atari computer. File extension: FNT. File is binary. File has 1024 bytes. Additional bytes at the end may appear, but their meaning is unknown. Font contains a table of 128 characters. Each character is a bitmap of 8 x 8 pixels. Each pixel is monochromatic - it can be either transparent or translucent. File contains subsequent characters. Each character takes 8 bytes. Each byte is a bitmap row, saved from top to bottom. Each bit in that byte is a single pixel, saved so that most significant bit is the leftmost pixel. Bit 0 means transparent pixel and bit 1 means translucent pixel. ////// Visualization: Font can be imagined as a bitmap of 256 x 32 pixels showing array of 32 x 4 characters. ////// Mapping Atari FNT characters to PC ASCII characters: - Atari 0x00 ... 0x3F map to ASCII characters 0x20 ... 0x5F - Atari 0x40 ... 0x5F are special graphical symbols - Atari 0x60 ... 0x7F map to ASCII characters 0x60 ... 0x7F ////// Author of this document: Name : Adam Sawicki E-mail : adam(at)asawicki(dot)info Homepage : www.asawicki.info Date : 2009-06-07