Entries for tag "teaching", ordered from most recent. Entry count: 42.
# Immediate Mode GUI - Theory and Example - Slides
Oct 2017
Today I gave a talk at Warsaw GameDev Meetup. Topic of my presentation was: "Immediate Mode GUI - Theory and Example". You can download slides here:
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# Slavic Game Jam 2017 and my talk
Jul 2017
There are many game jams all around the world. Global Game Jam is probably the biggest and most popular one, but it is a global event that happens at different sites. This weekend Slavic Game Jam takes place - the biggest game jam in Eastern Europe, happening in just one site in Warsaw, Poland.
I will be there not only as a participant, but I will also give a talk, because AMD is a sponsor of the event. My talk will be on Friday at 2 PM. Its title is "Rendering in Your Game - Debugging and Profiling". I will provide some basic information and show some tools useful for analyzing performance of a game, including live demo. This information may be useful no matter if you develop your own engine or use existing one like Unity or Unreal. If you have a ticket for the event (tickets are already sold out), I invite you to come on Friday earlier than for the official start of the jam.
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# Pitfalls of Floating-Point Numbers - Slides
Sep 2016
Just as I announced in my previous blog post, today I gave a lecture on a "Kariera IT" event - organized by CareerCon, dedicated to IT jobs.
Here you can find slides from my presentation, in Polish. It's called "Pułapki liczb zmiennoprzecinkowych" ("Pitfalls of floating-point numbers").
Here are links to the Floating-Point Formats Cheatsheet (in English) that I mentioned in my presentation:
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# Pitfalls of Floating-Point Numbers - My Lecture on CareerCon
Aug 2016
CareerCon is an event organized in various cities in Poland, dedicated to IT jobs, e.g. for programmers. You can find there many companies advertising their job offers. Entrance is free, but requires previous registration on their website. There are also some presentations every time.
24 September 2016 the event will take place in Sopot, where I will give a lecture "Pułapki liczb zmiennoprzecinkowych" ("Pitfalls of floating-point numbers"). I will talk about properties of floating-point data types, which are the same regardless of the programming language you use. I will show their limitations, common mistakes to avoid and some good practices. If you are a professional programmer or a student interested in career in IT, I'd like to invite you to come and listen.
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# Pixel Heaven and Bajtek Special Issue
Jun 2016
Do you remember "Bajtek" magazine? I don't, because I was a little kid back then, but older colleagues told me that in 80's and 90's it was a popular Polish magazine about computers (like Atari, Commodore or Amiga - platforms that were in use at that time). Archival issues can be downloaded for free from atarionline.pl.
Now, 20 years after last one, a new issue has been released. It's a single, special issue - Wydanie specjalne: Bajtek. There is my article inside - "Programowanie grafiki dziś" ("Graphics Programming Today"). The article describes briefly a history of graphics cards (from first 3D games, through 3Dfx Voodoo and S3 ViRGE, cards from NVIDIA and ATI/AMD, appearance of OpenGL and DirectX, to invention of shaders), shows graphics pipeline of modern GPU-s and mentions the new generation of graphics API-s (Direct3D 12 and Vulkan).
Many people who were interested in graphics programming, games or demoscene at the time of Bajtek magazine, now have a more "serious" job, whether in software development or something completely different, and they no longer have time for this hobby, so they are not up-to-date with advancements in this technology. So I thought they may like a short update on this subject.
The new issue of Bajtek was first shown on Pixel Heaven - a party that took place 3-5 June 2016 in Warsaw. I've been there and I had a great time. There were many different activities, like indie games exhibition, retro gaming zone, lectures and discussion panels.
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# Lectures on ETI, Gdańsk University of Technology
Jan 2015
Employees of Intel Technology Poland are visiting Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (known as ETI). On Thursday - 8, 15, 22 January 2015, there will be lectures as part of "Computer Graphics" course. Time: 11:15 - 13:00, place: new ETI building, room NE AUD1L. It's a lecture for students of computer science, but anyone who is interested can come and listen.
Together with Piotr Kozioł, I will be presenting on January 22nd. Our presentation has title "Shaders and their compilation" and will cover:
During 2 hours we will cover lots of topics - basically all what happens to the shader after it's written in high level language and passed to graphics API - how it's processed by the driver and executed by the GPU.
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# My Lecture on CareerCon
Nov 2014
CareerCon is an event organized in various cities in Poland, dedicated to all kinds of jobs in IT, e.g. for programmers. You can find there many companies advertising their job offers. Entrance is free, but requires previous registration on their website. There are also some presentations every time.
13 December 2014 the event will take place in Gdańsk, where I will give a lecture "Architektura współczesnych gier video" ("Architecture of modern video games"). If you are a professional programmer or a student interesting in career in IT, I'd like to invite you to come and listen.
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# C++/CLI Tutorial
Dec 2011
I finished and present my latest production - a tutorial for C++/CLI programming language. C++/CLI is an extension to C++ made by Microsoft and available in Visual Studio / Visual C++ IDE. At the same time it is one of the languages of .NET platform, next to C# or VB.NET. With it you can freely mix native and managed code, which gives extraordinary power in some applications. I've been using this language in my previous job and now I want to share this piece of knowledge. Here is the PDF document and ZIP archive with sample source code: