Aug 2017
AppVeyor and Travis CI are popular, free web services that provide continuous integration style build and testing environments for open source projects - for Windows and Linux, respectively. They are relatively easy to setup if your project is self-contained, but can be a little bit tricky if you need to install some additional dependencies. Today I successfully finished installing Vulkan SDK in these environments, to test Vulkan Memory Allocator project. Here is how to do it:
In AppVeyor I have everything configured on their website, so you can’t really see configuration file. To download Vulkan SDK, I used curl
command which is available by default. It took me some time to find direct link to SDK file because Download page on points to addresses like “”, which is actually a web page full of JavaScript that eventually redirects to real file when opened in a web browser. Finally I found it. Then I entered following commands as Environment > Install script:
curl -L --silent --show-error --output VulkanSDK.exe .\VulkanSDK.exe /S
First command downloads and second one installs Vulkan SDK in silent mode. The SDK is installed to C:\VulkanSDK\ directory.
Next I added an environmental variable in Environment > Environmental variables section:
value: c:\VulkanSDK\
In my Visual Studio project settings, I added include directory "$(VULKAN_SDK)/Include" and library directory "$(VULKAN_SDK)/Lib". Then I could successfully #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
and link with vulkan-1.lib.
For Travis CI you can see my current configuration file as: .travis.yml. What I did here is I added few commands to install
section. First there are some apt-get
commands that install some additional libraries, which I took from Getting Started with the Vulkan SDK page:
sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install -y libassimp-dev libglm-dev graphviz libxcb-dri3-0 libxcb-present0 libpciaccess0 cmake libpng-dev libxcb-dri3-dev libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libmirclient-dev libwayland-dev libxrandr-dev
Then I download and install Vulkan SDK. URL to real file is in the same format as for Windows. I used wget
command for downloading. The file is a self-extracting archive that unpacks SDK content to following subdirectory of current directory: VulkanSDK/
wget -O chmod ugo+x ./
Finally I issue a command that sets environmental variable pointing to the SDK, to have it available in the code just like on Windows:
Then I needed to configure my project to search for include files in "$(VULKAN_SDK)/include" and library files in "$(VULKAN_SDK)/lib" (directory names are lowercase this time!). Finally I could #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
and link with
(The post was updated 3 June 2019 - thanks Attilio Provenzano!)
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